
Response to Federal Budget: Prostheses pricing


Bupa has welcomed the Federal Government’s funding towards modernising and improving the administration of the Prostheses List.

Emily Amos, Bupa Health Insurance Managing Director said reforming the prostheses list would address the unfair situation where Australians are currently being charged the world’s highest prices for medical devices with no clinical or additional benefits.

“These proposed changes are a win for Australian consumers and will help to ensure fair and affordable healthcare without limiting choice, quality or accessibility of medical devices. We are committed to passing on every single dollar saved through these reforms to directly benefit customers,” Ms Amos said.

“Currently in Australia, a stem used in hip replacements is more than $4,000 or double what patients in New Zealand or the UK pay. In many cases, Australians can pay up to five times what patients around the world pay for medical devices.

“The faster we can implement these changes, the sooner the savings will flow through to customers. We look forward to seeing the full details of the plan and working with government and industry to ensure a fair outcome for Australian consumers,” Ms Amos said.