
Bupa Templestowe COVID-19 outbreak closed


Bupa has activated its COVID-19 Outbreak Management Plan at its Templestowe (VIC) care home following the positive test of an employee.

UPDATE Tuesday 8 September 3pm

Bupa is pleased to share that the COVID-19 outbreak at our Templestowe home is now closed.

This has been confirmed by the Department of Health following several rounds of negative testing and a two-week period of active surveillance.

This is great news for our home and a credit to the hard work of the team as well as the continued understanding and support from our residents and their loved ones.

We sincerely thank everyone connected to the home for their patience and support throughout this time.

UPDATE Monday 24 August 5pm

The Victorian Public Health Unit has now de-escalated Bupa Templestowe’s status to ‘active surveillance’ as it has now been two weeks since the last positive case was recorded in the home.

The team continues to closely monitor the health of all residents and remains diligent in their use of PPE and infection control.

We are grateful to our residents and their loved ones for their support and patience over the past month, and we are thankful to our team for their hard work and focus on protecting our residents.

UPDATE Tuesday 11 August 11am

Following a second round of testing at Bupa Templestowe over the weekend, one more employee has unfortunately tested positive to COVID-19.

We are in contact with the employee, who is asymptomatic and is awaiting the results of a follow-up test, to offer our support.

We are pleased that all residents and all other employees returned negative results.

A further two team members, who have been isolating since Wednesday 29 July due to their close contact with the initial employee who tested positive, have also returned positive results during this time. We are also supporting these employees.

All residents participated in another round of testing yesterday, Monday 10 August, and employees will be re-tested today. We are closely monitoring the health of all residents and maintaining our strict infection control processes.

While this is an uncertain time for Bupa Templestowe, we are proud of our team’s work so far to protect the health of our residents, and we are grateful to our residents and their relatives for their ongoing support.

UPDATE Monday 3 August 3pm

Following the positive COVID-19 test result of an employee at Bupa Templestowe late last Tuesday (28 July), we are saddened to update that three residents and an additional employee have also tested positive.

We are in close contact with the residents’ family members and their GPs, and are offering support to all residents in our care. We are also in contact with the two employees.

All other residents have returned negative test results, as have the majority of employees. We are still waiting on some employee test results, and will update employees, residents and their loved ones as soon as we have these.

The home has activated its Outbreak Management Plan and is working closely with the Public Health Unit and the Commonwealth Department of Health to ensure we are doing everything possible to protect the health of residents and employees.

This includes regular deep cleaning, the use of personal protective equipment at all times and twice daily clinical observations for all residents.

We continue to keep our residents’ relatives informed and we thank them for their ongoing support and patience during this challenging time.

For more information on COVID-19 and Bupa Aged Care, click here.